Friday, December 28, 2007

The End of an Era

The Nepalese Parliament has voted to abolish the Nepalese monarchy in an effort to appease the demands of Maoist forces within Nepal (see the article here). It's so terribly discouraging that a nation with a monarchy would bow down to the demands of godless Communists in abolishing a monarchy that has existed since 1769. When I first learned of this story, I felt absolutely discouraged as a monarchist. But I must persevere, as we all must. We can never see the return of monarchy as the standard form of government the world over if we give in to set-backs like this one. We must all fight a good fight, we must finish our course, we must keep the faith (cf. 2 Timothy 4:7).


Anonymous said...

Don't despair Nick. The Liberal era is fast coming to an end. We must think in terms of centuries, not decades.

Anonymous said...

That's terrible news. I supported the monarchy. I have a student organization at UT that supports monarchism world wide. We are called "Students for Monarchy".

Nick said...

But it's great to hear that there are student monarchist groups out there. I wish my college had one!

ignatius masayuki said...

the main weakness of democracy lies in the idea that mankind are clever and wise creature. In nepal the commoners only care about money and the communist always filling their brain with idea of them getting richer if the monarchy is abolished. So automatically they choose the maoist. The idea of the sanctity of the throne and the sacred relation between the King and religion (in this case hinduism) never cross their mind.

MandysRoyalty said...

I covered this on my royal q&a show, RoyaltyNow! For your interest, I post the link here.

Anonymous said...

If you go to tiannamen gate you would see a giant portrait of mao. Automatically you would think that the chinese adore mao. Well this is not entirely true. The “deification’ of mao is more political than simple admiration. Basically all mao legacies except the communist party had been stripped or dismantled from existence. Remember this; during the so called the great leap forward there was a father from peasantry who said to his wife “don’t feed me so after I died you and our children can feed from my corpse”. This sense of desperateness happened not under an absolute Monarchy of the Imperial China but under a democratic communist people’s republic. In the personal level mao was somewhat hypocrite. He declared all form of prostitution were illegal; he even proudly said under him there is no prostitute in china. But we all know the main function of the female member of the red guard were to “entertain” chairman mao. The politicians know about this reality, but if they defile mao’s name then the communist party would be condemned too, and of course this would mean they will lose their job. maoist is a group of dogs who adore mao. They believe that mao was a godsend and everything he does was right. What makes the nepalese maoist interesting is the fact that these rabid dogs manage to wipe clean the foam on their mouth before they knock at the door of the nepalese. Being stupid and idiot the nepalese permitted these mad dogs to enter their house. But we all know that only matter of time before the foam back, and when it happen these mad dogs would devour all who reside in the house. Well what can I say; being slaughtered by rabid dogs is the price of being so idiot and stupid.